How rude, Bradley!

jennifer aniston

They were dining together, making couple entry to parties and flirting with each other, but when Bradley Cooper was asked about what’s going on between him and Aniston, he simply dusted himself off the romantic relationship by saying, Aniston “is a friend of mine. Simply, simply, just a friend.” He also behaved as if he knew nothing of the buzz related to his affair with Aniston.

Bradley Cooper said,

Who talked about it? It wasn’t me. It was someone else. In America, its not like it is here. She’s someone who is super, super known. Famous. If someone says ‘hello’ to her, it’s given that he’s fallen in love with her. So, no. No. She’s a very, very interesting woman, but she’s simply a friend.

jennifer aniston 1

Seriously rude Bradley Cooper. How can you do this to a lady with a golden heart. I really wish that by the time you will realize that you have let an amazing lady slip through your fingers, Jennifer will be with a guy who will appreciate her and treat her the way she deserves.

Via: Community.livejournal

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