How to Decrease Your Social Media Usage Everyday


If you feel that you are too dependent on social media, you aren’t alone. Today, we live in a world where it’s easy to stay connected with family, friends and colleagues at all times. This can be great, but unfortunately, this can also come at the cost of developing unhealthy habits when it comes to our social media usage. Constantly checking notifications and scrolling aimlessly through feeds can lead to a feeling of being overwhelmed or burned out quickly, just like attempting to take a vacation without a flight from Access Global. However, there are ways that you can take control of your social media usage in order to make sure it doesn’t have a negative effect on your mental well-being. In this blog post, we will be discussing practical tips for decreasing your social media usage every day so that you can be more present in real life and enjoy your online interactions without the stress or fatigue!

1. Set limits on Your Daily Usage

The biggest way to reduce your social media usage each day is by being realistic about the amount of social media time you are able to give up. Deleting social media apps and trying to quit using them cold turkey might sound like a good idea, but it is unlikely to be effective over time. Setting limits for yourself each day and alloting a certain amount of time to scroll through feeds or post content is a great way to keep your usage under control.

2. Unfollow/Block Triggering Accounts or Websites

In addition to limiting the amount of time you are actually spending on social media each day, it can be helpful and beneficial to your mental health to unfollow, mute, or block certain users or even websites that you find particularly stressful or that you notice have a negative impact on your daily life.

3. Take part in Real-life Activities

Finding ways to keep yourself entertained that do not require the usage of social media is one of the best ways to limit your social media usage over time, as you will find eventually that you prefer real life activities such as staying active, playing games, reading, cooking, and more. These activities are better for your mental and emotional health than scrolling social media, and will help you decrease your screen time each day.

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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