How to grill Fish

How to Grill Fish

Grilled fish is a common item served in outdoor parties. Grilling is easy and it’s not time consuming. Some of the most popular fishes that are used for grilling are salmon and tilapia. You can learn to grill fish just by following the steps given below.

Complexity Level: Moderate

Time required: 45 – 60 minutes

Resources required:

1. Grill topper

2. Grilling Baskets

3. Tongs

4. Spatula

5. Skewers

6. Meat thermometer

7.Water spray bottle

8. Fish fillets – one per person

9. Salt and pepper

10.Vegetable oil

11. Barbecue Grills

12. Charcoal Lighters

13. Grill Utensils

14. Wire Grill Brushes

15. Groceries


1. Get all ingredients

Before you start to grill, get all the ingredients and utensils ready by your side. Then light up your grill and set it at its highest heat setting and let it heat for 20 minutes or so. Then check the fish fillets and get rid of any bones left in there.

2. Clean the fish

Put the fish on a flat surface and hold it by the tail with one hand. Hold a knife in your other hand; scrape the scales off the fish. Once the fish is perfectly de-scaled, rinse it under cold running water. Wash the seafood using tap water. Remove the skin and scales from the fish using knife and keep it aside. Use your fingers to get entails of the fish. Then, wash the cavity and outside of the fish again with tap water.

3. Oil the fish:

Grilling fish can stick to the grill. To avoid this, oil the grill grate properly. Put vegetable oil or olive oil on the fish. Season the seafood with salt and pepper. You just have to sprinkle the seasonings on the fish. Put sliced onion and tomatoes in the cavity of the seafood before grilling.

4. Place the fish on grill

Once the grill is hot, place the fillets on it with two inches of room on all sides. For each inch of thickness, you have to grill for 10 minutes. When one side of the fish is done or turns brown, carefully lift the fish with two spatulas and gently flip it over. Cook it on the grill until the meat turns white.

5. Test for doneness:

Check the fish two minutes before you think it should be done, keeping in mind that everything keeps cooking for a few minutes after it leaves the grill. Use the broiler fork to flake opens a section of one fillet to check for doneness. Once it is done, carefully lift the fish of the grill and set it on a platter.

6. Serve the dish:

As the dish is ready, garnish it with mint leaves and lemon or soy sauce with vinegar and onion. Now, serve it to your guests along with white wine and be ready for complements that would flood in.

Frequently asked questions:

Q.What are the things that I can serve with a grilled fish?

A.Oven-baked cherry tomatoes would be lovely with a light, lemony fish. To complement the clean flavor of plain grilled fish, try some steamed greens. Try serving it with two Tomatoes & Coriander, Beefsteak Tomatoes, de-seeded and finely chopped, two Medium Red Onions, finely chopped, Juice of 2 Limes,2 Tab sp Honey, 2 Tab sp Fresh Coriander/Cilantro, chopped, Salt & Pepper. Mix all the ingredients together and serve.

Quick tips:

1. If you want the fish to be tastier, marinate it overnight.

2. When you lay the fish on the grill, make sure to keep its tail farthest away from the heat as it will cook much faster than the head end.

3. To figure out when the fish is done, insert the instant meat thermometer in the thickest part of the fish to test for doneness.

Things to watch out for:

1. Do not burn or overcook the fish. It does not take too long to cook. Fish gets tough when overcooked.

2. Almost all the commercially available species can be grilled but some species like smaller flatfish and trout needs extra care.

3. Wash your hands frequently to prevent food borne illness and be cautious when you are around the hot grill.

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