Impotent Husband – No Problem – Potent Father-in-Law

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When this woman was married to Dharmesh seven years ago little did she suspect that her life was about to become a journey through hell.

A Rajkot woman did not conceive after two years of marriage so her in-laws took her to a Doctor, who after examining her declared her unfit to have children and advised her to go in for IN-Vitro insemination. Suspicious of the way of examination she went to another doctor who declared her fit and healthy in all respects.

When she confronted her in-laws with the second version they were magnanimous enough to admit that their son was impotent and that she should go in for in-vitro. But it seems her woes had just started. One day when she was alone she was given some sleeping tablets allegedly and when she was unconscious her Father-in-Law Vimal Gopiyani, who is a Doctor by the way raped her. When she complained to her husband he said that all this was preplanned.

When she raised an alarm she was given more sleeping tablets and left to die in a dark room. Somehow she managed to get hold of a cell phone and informed her parents. Fearing retribution her in-laws than shifted her to a private hospital where when she came out of the shock mustered enough courage to lodge a police complain.

She has indicted her husband, mother-in-law, brother-in-law and her husband’s uncle of conspiracy and physical abuse. She also claimed that her father in law used to physically torture her.

What is strange is when the in-laws were ready to consider the option of in-vitro why did they change their mind and went in for rape, perhaps it did not cost any money and they were confident that their daughter-in-law will never ever complain being a traditional daughter-in-law. Well, it is clear that they were wrong.

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