The world is full of different types of communities and tribes. Often they are known for the unique customs they follow.
1.Days of the Dead
This ritual is followed in Oaxaca in Mexico. The ritual is incomplete without skeleton shaped candies , breads of various flavor and night long parties held in cemeteries. The first day is dedicated to all the children who have died and the second day is dedicated to the dead adult relatives of the different families. Children are very excited about this festival and buy lots of coffin and skeleton shaped sweets. Many other goodies are also seen in the market. It is somewhat similar to the Halloween festival.
2.Loi Krathong ritual
This is celebrated in Chiang Mai, Thailand . It is celebrated in order to cast away evil spirits of the world. Paper lanterns fill up the dark night sky and make the skyline glow like a diamond. It is celebrated for three days in the month of November around the time of occurrence of the full moon.
3. Aborginal Garma Festival
This is celebrated in Arnhem Land in northern Australia. Men with painted bodies dance all through the night and in the second week of August some strange rituals are performed by these men. You have to see it to believe it.
4. Mighty Mud Mania
This is held in Arizona in Scottsdale. It is celebrated in the month of July. The people who wish to take part in this get totally drenched in mud and enjoy themselves. It was held for the first time in 1976. But beware coz the Arizona Mud does not wash off very easily.
5. smacking women
On Easter Monday, in Czech republic, men go from one house to another house lightly smacking the women with a special type of braided branches of the willow tree. This is done in order to ward off any evil spirits and also reduces the chances of infertility.
The above are some of the most weirdest customs from all over the world. It is impossible to know all of them yet we must keep our eyes open when we visit foreign countries as these rituals immensely help us in gathering I detailed information about the tradition and culture of that place . Thus customs and rituals are like mirrors of the society which provide a deeper insight.