Israeli Doctors for Torture

In that self-described “light onto the nations” torture against the Palestinians is a routine part of Israeli [Occupation] IDF training. Israel has tortured so much Palestinians that for a Palestinian boy to be tortured has become a rite of passage into manhood. That is how strong and persistent the Palestinians are. They took a technique Israel was using to break them, and turned it into the inverse: a showcase of Palestinian male strength against Israeli petty brutality.
brave idf soldier 14At6 19672
Israelis and American Zionists call this heroism. The little boy is describe in American media lexicon as a “terrorist”.

Israel eventually caught on to this and doubling-down on its effort to demoralize Palestinians it began to spread the rumors that those Palestinian young males arrested were not only tortured but also raped. Since no one would uphold sodomy as a rite of male-hood, Israel thought it could turn the joke on Palestinians. Palestinians are not raped (but a young Jewish boy in Israeli jail just was), and they are not stupid to not be able to see through Israel’s transparent frustration that even when it tortures it still cannot win.

As for that torture, the IDF often receives a helping hand from the Israeli medical establishment (U.S. psychiatrists have also been aiding C.I.A. torture. This is refereed to as American-Israeli “shared values.”):

Evidence has been produced by the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) and PHR-I of doctors examining interrogated Palestinians before, during or after torture without documenting, reporting or resisting, and by providing medical documents and information to the bodies responsible for the torturing. These are all expressly prohibited under WMA and Israel Medical Association (IMA) guidelines, as is even the presence of a doctor where there is torture.

This is why it is not enough to protest Israel’s occupation, but to boycott Israeli society that supports and enables such injustice. This is why there has to be BDS: Boycottt, Divestment and Sanctions.

And in predictable fashion, the Israeli medical establishment has refused to investigate itself and resorted to calling the critics – what for it – anti-Semites:

These allegations have never been seriously investigated by the IMA, despite persistent urging by PHR-I as part of its long struggle against the use of torture and its bringing of the issue to the attention of the WMA. In the summer the IMA cut ties with the human rights body, accusing it of fomenting antisemitism. Dr Yoram Blachar, the chairman of the IMA, wrote in a letter that “the outrageous situation is that PHR’s activity serves as fertile ground for antisemitism, anti-Israelism and anti-Zionism”.

Does this ever get old? Israel certainly has, and it’s about time it fainted away into the history books. The Palestinians cannot be broken.

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