Jackfruit in Poppy seed gravy

jackfruit1Do you know the amount of flavors you an actually have into your summer vegetables? I discovered it recently when I had a steaming pot of jackfruit cooked in poppy seeds sauce in one of the local restaurants in my hometown a couple of years back. The recipe is given below:


Chopped Jackfruit
Poppy seeds Paste
Green Chili Paste
Crushed Garlic-Ginger
1 teaspoon Raw-mango Pulp
Chopped Onion
Cardamon-Cinnamon Paste
Nutmeg Paste
Cumin Powder


1. In a pressure cooker heat oil and fry onions until brown.

2. Add crushed ginger-garlic, poppy seed paste, green chili paste, cumin powder and fry for five minutes.

3. Add jackfruit and fry until the moisture gets evaporated. To it add Cardamon-Cinnamon Paste, Nutmeg Paste and salt.

4. Add water, salt and raw-mango pulp.

5. Pressure cook until the jackfruit is tender, but not broken. Garnish it with chopped coriander leaves.

Eat it with boiled rice and seared salmon.

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