Jacko’s hair to be made into diamonds

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This is not a joke. If things go as planned, very soon Jacko’s hair will spring back to life again in the form of shining diamonds. A Chicago-based company has teamed up with John Reznikoff – a collector who owns the charred strands of Michael Jackson’s hair that were salvaged from the shoot of the now-infamous 1984 Pepsi commercial – to create a limited edition of diamonds from it.

Dean VandenBiesen, founder of LifeGem, says,

We specialize in creating diamonds from locks of hair. Our plan is to give people an opportunity to own a diamond made from Michael Jackson???s DNA. We are currently evaluating Jackson’s hair sample to determine how many diamonds can be created. This will be a limited collection and we anticipate great interest.

Ralph Cohen, executive producer for the Pepsi commercial, was among the first to reach Jackson when he was set on fire.

Cohen threw his jacket over Jackson???s head to help extinguish the flames. As Jackson was being rushed off the set and to the hospital, Cohen instinctively, picked up the charred lock of hair and put it in his pocket??? where it remained undisturbed for 25 years until Jackson???s death last month.

Cohen put the prized possession for auction after Jacko’s death and the same was grabbed by Reznikoff.

Anyway, LifeGem and Reznikoff can look forward to a huge bulge in their bank accounts because the MJ diamonds will clearly outshine all the other diamonds in the business.

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