Jennifer Aniston dating Jason Lewis?

jennifer aniston
According to the reports, Jennifer Aniston, a famous Hollywood actress, is dating these days star Jason Lewis of Sex And The City fame.

Her friend stars have rumored that she has been dating the actor who played the role of the lover of the character Samantha in the popular TV series and had enjoyed their recent date in New York. They both have been enjoying each other’s company.

A source told Britain’s Closer magazine that they had met few times recently and Lewis finds her gorgeous and said they had just clicked. They are not disclosing anything may be because it is very early for them to say, as also they might be just feeling comfortable with each other.

Unless until any such declaration is caught in any interview or public meeting no one can be sure of this relationship. It looks strange, as it is difficult to guess what are the things that they would find common between themselves.

Jennifer too seems to like Lewis but she has not accepted it anywhere and they have met secretly till now. She has suffered in past from the pressure that is put on her fame as far as her relationship is concerned. This must be the reason behind avoiding her relationship, if there is any, with Lewis.


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