Jennifer Aniston gets the Hangover of Bardley Cooper

jeniffer aniston bradley rekindle

Seems that Jennifer Aniston is finally bored with her single status and looking out to have some more fun in life with someone special. If reports are to be believed, the Friends hottie is dating Sex and the City star Bradley Cooper. The 42-year old Aniston was enjoying an arguably single status after her final break-up with singer John Mayer in 2009. Soon after the split with Mayer, Jennifer Aniston was rumored to be dating Bradley Cooper after the two were spotted in New York having dinner together. However, Jennifer denied it completely and brushed it off as nothing more than a rumor. Bradley on the other hand was dating actor Renée Zellweger at that point of time and broke up with her just a few days back in March 2011.

As reported by X17online:

Jen and Bradley have been spending more and more time together. It’s still the beginning of them rekindling their romance, but she’s excited about it. They started seeing each other in New York, and they’re definitely planning on hanging out more now that they’re both on the West Coast.

Well, in this case, it will be interesting to see how the relationship flourishes as Aniston is 6-years elder to Bradley. The beautiful Aniston is 42 whereas Bradley is only 36. For now, all we want to say is that we are in Team Aniston and it is high time the Picture Perfect girl falls in love all over again. But, for Bradley, we want to say, give yourself some time dude, it???s too early too soon.

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