Jessica Simpson reveals she was abused

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Jessica Simpson has now taken to country music, as we all know, and is the cover girl of the latest issue of Elle magazine. Looking pretty on the cover page of Elle, she revealed darker secrets of emotional and possibly physical abuse during a past relationship. She claims to have written all the songs on her country album with the help of her own personal experiences and ‘Remember That’ is all about the traumatic and abusive phase she went through. She desires to communicate with other abused women with this track.

However, Jessica refuses to reveal who the person really was and shies away from the topic. One might wonder if she is just trying to sell her albums decorating it with a sob story. The problem with celebrities is that they are talked about so much, and when something really happens nobody is going to believe them. It is the proverbial ???cry wolf??? situation. We do hope she is speaking truth and that her music provides a way to let out her pent up feelings and connect with her fans.
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Via: DanasDirt

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