Johnny Depp wishes to play the king of pop!

johny depp
It looks like the pirate from Caribbean(read Hollywood) wants to play the king of pop. Johnny Depp, has expressed a desire to don the shoes of Michael Jackson, if a movie is indeed made on the controversial pop icon.
Here???s what he says:

There is still time to play him. He might get up to his old
tricks again and maybe there will be a TV movie about him!

He???s one man who you???d expect to jump at the mention of any weird roles that a director could possibly throw at him. And he could definitely pull it off. We have already seen hints of Michael in Depp???s portrayal of Willy Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Of course, Depp
denies any influence in that particular role.

So maybe some director should really hand him a script based on Jackson???s antics. We???d see a real thriller then!

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