Kim Kardashian: Obsessed with hair removal

kim kardashian

No one???s perfect and Kim Kardashian only asserts it by her latest confession. No she hasn???t changed her sexual orientation, or has had a break up or link up. In fact now, even as I???m writing it, the matter seems quite trivial, being a girl so to say. Well, little girl confesses of being obsessed with hair removal and asserts that she waxes her head. Now if it disgusts any of you, probably you need a reality check on the kind of hair removals people are obsessed with. Read on to find out what else does she wax.

As per X17online,

If you look at pictures of me from even three years ago, I had like two inches baby hairs on my forehead. But they weren???t thick enough to slick back, so they were permanently down and I would wax them all the time and now I lasered them and now they don???t come back. Literally, at twelve years old I had a bikini wax. I had an appointment once a month on a specific day, like every Friday we???d go and get the inside of our brows waxed and a bikini wax.

Well, it appears absolutely normal to me but everything that these stars do is big news, whether it is a forehead hair removal or maintaining the perfect bikini line with bikini wax. I think it???s pretty gutsy of Kim to so publicly assert facts about her lasered hair which makes this perfectly manicured beauty only more ravishing. Letting out a little naughty secret, Kim thinks that though she likes it well-groomed on Kris Humphries, she wouldn’t appreciate it all clean. After all, men drool on this smooth, silky, beautiful skin and that perfect bikini line. Don???t you guys! Now you have our little secret!


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