Kourtney Kardashian loves breast milk!

kourt breasts
Kourtney Kardashian is so into breast milk. No, I’m not trying to say that she advocates breast milk for babies. She has taken the higher road and joined the elite group of “adult suckers” who have tasted the nourishing fluid. According to a Twitter revelation by her sister Khloe, Kourtney has tasted her own breast milk at least once.

Here’s what Khloe Kardashian tweeted on her Twitter account just a couple of hours ago,

Wow my sister has changed. She used to whip her boobs out for no reason. Now she does it to feed her child (sic). Kourt just admitted that she tasted her own breast milk. Ummmm TMI.

I find it kinda cool. No, seriously. What’s the harm if an adult drinks breast milk? And if you are blessed with breasts capable of producing enough milk to feed you and your baby, then there’s nothing like that. Carry on, Kourtney! Breast milk rocks!!


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