Lady Gaga’s heart-thumping performance shocks her little monster in Nashville!


Lady Gaga is infamous for her outrageous outfits and dance routines, now Lady Gaga has another feather in her cap, all thanks to 33-year-old Crystal Thornton. The astonishing Diva, was shocked when her little monster fan???s heart stopped during the opening act of the Monster???s Ball in Nashville.

Crystal Thorton???s friend Christina Tugman became her life-saver, when she helped in getting her paramedical help in time. The medics had to use defibrillators and cardiac massages for around five minutes after noticing that her heart had stopped beating. According to USMagazine reports, a perplexed Christina reported-

She stopped breathing, her eyes rolled back in her head, and her body started twitching, I was asking if she was OK, and she wasn’t responding, and was unconscious with no heartbeat.

The little monster fan- Crystal Thornton is recovering and reported to be stable after this harrowing incident, which was perpetrated by a genetic condition. Crystal seems more disappointed on missing the concert than to be shocked that she was presumed dead for a good five minutes. Certainly Lady Gaga???s little monsters are just as perplexing and bizarre as her heart-stopping antics!

Image Source: Blogspot

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