Lick your Wounds Candy


Have you ever thought of licking puss from your wounds? Cap Candy has apparently made it edible with the ‘Lick your Wounds Candy’. Facts provide that these plastic adhesive bandages have a candy center, which can be stuck and licked. The compressible dextrose tablet claims to offer fun eating with a soft enter and crusty side.

Candies have taken freaky shapes to attract kids and this one being the grossest of them. However, the scab as the name suggests might not be very healthy for the kids to lick as dextrose is synthetically derived from cornstarch and can be highly refined sugar for kids.

lick toy

Available at the online retail store of Hasbro, 12 resealable packs of candy scabs contains five adhesive bandages each, costing $0.99 per unit. There is convenience of licking the candy and resealing for licking later. This convenience is to make the parents sure that their children are not licking much into the forbidden scab in foods.

Via: Boing Boing

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