Directed by Academy Award frontrunner Ang Lee, the ‘Life of Pi’ is one of the most sought after movie these days. The movie has set a new example for the film makers and has laid down everything beautifully for the movie lovers. It’s all in all an adventure thriller that gives goose bumps to the viewers from starting till the end. Be it the adventure amidst the ferocious sea or the deadly Bengal Tiger named Richard Parker. Yes, Parker is a fierce beast of Bengal that gives company to the teenage boy Pi whole through his sea journey over a life-boat fetched from the wrecked ship.
The work of Ang Lee is said to be slackly based on the Booker Prize winner Yann Martel’s fiction novel. Those who have already read the book as well as for those who haven’t, watching the sequences on the big screen in 3D is altogether a delight for the eyes. ‘Life of Pi’ stars the acers of Bollywood like Tabu (South Indian mother of Pi), Irrfan Khan (adult Pi) and a newbie Suraj Sharma (teenage Pi).
The movie begins with the narration by adult Pi to a wannabe novelist who wishes to retell the story of implausible sea journey of Pi post a disparaging ship-wreckage to the entire world through his impressive writing. The name Pi is the short name give to Piscine (crystal clear pool water of Paris). The young Piscine was disappointed with the way his name has been tagged with a humorous Indian word ‘Pissing’ (latrine Indian-style), but he very-well shortened his name to Pi (a symbol in Mathematics). So Pi belongs to a well-to-do cosmopolitan family where he grown up with all religions- Islam, Hinduism and Christianity. With his belief in all the three religions and his love for God, Pi turned out to be a responsible teenager. However, his destiny has something adventurous to store for him. Due to some unavoidable political issues, his family basked on a journey to Canada with all the animals of their owned-Zoo to sell them off. In middle of the sea, their ship sank leaving behind Pi with a furious Bengal tiger on a small wrecked raft. From here the journey of Pi starts in the vicious sea. The moments where Pi taught the beast to learn his language and to understand his orders and when the teenager who was a vegetarian eats uncooked meat just to kills his hunger pangs are incredibly shot to touch the hearts of the viewers.
The entire piece of work is exemplary with the outstanding performances of all actors including Suraj Sharma, the new turk. Movie is based on one theme that was told by Irfaan “You don’t know the power of your belief in God until it is tested”. Throughout his journey, Pi realizes his faith with many incidents and grew as a tough and confident person in life.
As the movie’s end is concerned it could be far better and creative. However, the maestro Ang Lee has done full justice with the script and put it in front of audiences like a piece of cake that is delicious and have different flavored layers.