Luxurious foodstuff goes mainstream

caviar22Taking into account the way food and culinary industry has adapted to consumer trends in the year 2006, it seems that this year is going to be the most profitable year for the food and culinary industry. This was clearly visible in the 52nd Fancy Food Show, conducted at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York.

The product portfolio in the Fancy Food Show not only had premium quality cheeses, olive oils, shelf-stable jars of and wide variety of pomegranate flavored foods, but also a diversified portfolio of high-profiled foodstuffs like caviars and truffles. This shows that products like caviar and truffles that targeted only upscale dining areas have come out of their shells to convince the American consumers of their everyday usage in cooking.

The exhibit at the Fancy Food Show has not claimed anything, but has gone out of its way to make luxurious foodstuffs within the reach of the consumers and it has also coupled the exhibit with new products bearing those ingredients that have shot-up consumer demands in the year 2006.

Via: New York Times

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