Marketing agreement marks the beginning to ensure stringent food standards in response to Food Safety Crisis.

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Irvine, California Jan 24/PRNewswriter: Marketing agreement marks the beginning to ensure stringent food standards in response to Food safety Crisis.
California Department of food and agriculture officials on Wednesday announced the commencement of the California state marketing agreement to boost food safety standards for handling of fresh green leafy commodities including lettuce and spinach. This action is taken in response of the food safety crisis which was based regarding the outbreak of E.coli in spinach in mid-September, 2006.
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Tom Nassif, the president and CEO of western growers said

“The start of the Marketing Agreement marks the beginning the industry’s delivery on a promise to do everything possible to restore the confidence of the nation in our products,”

All farmers need to satisfy some of the standards fixed by food and safety industry. To become part of this agreement farmer need to sign it in presence of officials concerned with food and agriculture department. The products will have a mark or seal. Western growers is an agriculture trade association whose members grow, pack and ship majority of the fresh fruits, nuts and vegetables grown in California and Arizona.
We know that we cannot completely eradicate diseases leading to illness but we definitely can take preventive and immediate steps to fight diseases (basically caused due to eating unhealthy food).
This agreement is between farmers and the food and safety industry will not only benefit them but will prove to be a savor for the next generation. We too must implement such stringent rules and regulation.
By doing so we’ll progress and benefit which will help in economic growth and progress of our nation. By implementing this law you’ll enjoy healthy food and environment with fresh green commodities including green leafy vegetables and herbs.

Via: PRNewswire

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