Meatloaf and Tiffany do not belong in the same sentence together!

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Oh rock n’ roll gods, say it ain’t so!

Say it!

I said say it!

(I’m like totally all up in your face!)

Say it! Say it! Say it!

At this time, I would like to send a shout out to the late Sam Kinison!

Hey Sam, I really miss your comedic genius not to mention all that kick-ass shouting you used to do oh so well!

White brother, you are truly missed!

Anyhoo back to the show!

I couldn’t believe it!

I still can’t believe it!

A couple of nights ago, I wish I hadn’t seen what I had seen!

But unfortunately I did and I just want to go straight to rock n’ roll heaven and die!

A couple of nights ago, I saw the worst thing that a rock n’ roll fan could ever truly see.

People, brace yourselves!

(I’m crying right now!)

Boo hoo hoo!

I saw one of the greatest songs of the rock n’ roll era used in a cheesy-ass commercial!


And I saw one of the greatest vocalists of the rock n’ roll era performing that song in the cheesy-ass commercial!


And worst of all, I saw one of the cheesiest acts of the 80’s singing a crucial part of that legendary song in that cheesy-ass commercial!


For those of you who don’t know what the hell i’m talking about, i’ll tell ya’!

I’m referring to the legendary rock n’ roll classic song, “Paradise by the Dashboard Light” by Meatloaf being used and defiled in a cheesy-ass AT&T’s “Go” Phone commercial!


And worst of all, cheesy-ass late 1980’s singer, Tiffany, singing backup!


Oh rock n’ roll gods and John Bonham, please say it ain’t so!

I want to wake up from this nightmare and have everything be right with the world again!

AT&T, you people oughta’ be ashamed of yourselves for what you did to the legendary song, “Paradise by the Dashboard Light!”


And if the rock n’ roll gods have anything to do with it, you’ll pay in blood, sweat, tears and of course piss and vinegar!

(Evil laugh!)

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

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