Meatloaf ‘meaty’ with sexy toppings

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As gourmands are constantly innovating on pairings and seasonings, it will not be surprising to see the classic American meatloaf topped or served with cherry tomatoes marinated in wine, bell pepper, okra, pesto, mushrooms and lot many herbs.

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Charleston Daily
points put that the upscale restaurants have replaced the old pairings of mashed potatoes, broccoli and beans with wine sauces, grated cheese, gravies and curried veggies, adding creative toppings of capers, olives or horseradish sauce. Not only the pairings that have undergone a change, but also the ground meat bases have apparently transformed with soup mixes, soy sauce and various other flavors and spices.

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The change in meatloaf might be a bit hurting to purists as far as the base for meatloaf is concerned. However, considering the gourmet quality and demand for food, there has been no radical change in the meat base. As far as the pairings are concerned then the food trends are reviving the classics by expanding flavors and making the classics look attractive with something called as food presentation.

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