Megan Fox steals Tomb Raider from Angelina Jolie

megan fox angelina jolie

After displacing Angelina Jolie from the sexiest women list last year, Megan Fox now steals Jolie’s trademark Lara Croft role from her. Really! What a transformation for the Transformers girl. The actress is going to be the young Lara Croft in the next installment of Tomb Raider.

megan fox

The executive producer Dan Lin says this would be a very character oriented and rich in plot movie unlike the previous two which gave much importance to just spectacular stunts.

This means if Megan successfully lands in the young Lara Croft’s character, which is going to be more powerful than what it was in both the previous plots, she might score better reviews than her predecessor, Jolie.

Image: Aceshowbiz , Popularbiographies

Via: News.smashits

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