Microwaving destroys up to 97% of food’s nutritional content: Study

microwave ovens destroy the nutritional value of yThough the deficiencies of nutrition in underdeveloped or poor countries are understandable, what is baffling is the scenario vehemently challenging the western-rich world as well!

If I say, it’s the introduction of the microwave oven, you may rebuff it as being just a co-incidence! But, unfortunately, this is the prevailing fact.

A new study found that microwave ovens heat food through a process of creating molecular friction, which eventually destroys the delicate vitamins-and-phytonutrients or plant medicines-molecules that are naturally present in foods.

Micro-waving can considerably destroy up to 97 percent of vegetables’ nutritional content! – The nutritional contents constitute vitamins and other disease-preventing plant-based nutrients, which also boost immune function as well as enhance health.

As for example, the raw broccoli and cauliflower that are found to be the best defense against prostate cancer can be robbed of all its anti-cancer nutrients by micro-waving!

Besides making it convenient to eat more obesity-promoting foods, micro-waving seems to be committing a ‘gruesome and irreparable crime’ by partly killing humans by destroying their required food nutrition, which they eventually buy raw, as a perfectly healthy piece loaded with vitamins and natural medicines.

So, the time to revolutionize the revolutionary ‘microwave-lifestyle’ has come in an effort to curb both obesity and mal-nourishment especially in the western world.


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