Natural plant extracts might interfere with natural juices of meats

activinThe use of natural antioxidants is reported to replace the synthetics and preservatives in processed meats. Latest study in Elsevier journal Food Microbiology reveals that grape seed and pine extracts apparently claim to reduce the E. coli, Listeria, and Salmonella of freshly ground beef because of their antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Facts provide that grape seeds naturally reduce oxidation and methanol in pine needles reduces microbial activity.

ActiVin in grape seed extracts and Pycnogenol in pine tree extracts might be promising extracts, but how successful they are in meat processing on an industrial scale is doubtful. The doubts regarding high concentrations of the extracts interfering with the sensory properties of the meat proves this point beyond just claims.

The meat processing industry has to set some standards for the addition of natural extracts so that the value addition can be functional in adding nutrition and quality to processed meats. Doubtless of the fact that the natural extracts would change the processed meat in terms of shelf-life and quality, but as far as consumers are concerned they prefer the natural juices of meat remain intact.

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