Nicole’s craving for burgers and Joel’s sleepless nights

nicole richie jole madden

Nicole Richie is not craving for pickles but burgers. The reality TV star who’s pregnant with her second child keeps Joel on his toes, who’s often out to get things for her to eat.

nicole rihcie

The Good Charlotte rocker shares his wife’s pregnancy cravings,

???It???s not so much the craziness of the craving, it???s just when she craves it – it???s usually about two or three in the morning and that???s on me.

???I???m the one that has to run out – either go make her a sandwich or go to In-N-Out Burger or whatever she wants at any given time. It???s not unheard of stuff she wants, it???s just that when she wants it is inconvenient for me.???

Gosh! He’s having labors even harder than the pregnant mom.

Image: Bauergriffinonline, Media.photobucket

Via: Imnotobsessed

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