Obama Changes Military Logo Into Socialist Symbol

Obama will stop at nothing to send hidden messages to his Muslim brethren and revolutionary comrades. He will stop at nothing to sabotage America from the inside to set the state for a new Socialist-Islamic-Bolshevik republic and then invite Iran and the other enemies of freedom to take over America and create a new order of Islamic tyranny which will make all non-Muslims dhimmis (second-class). You better believe it!

I know, a lot of this may be overwhelming – I mean how do you keep up with so many government secret conspiracies to destroy America? – but fortunately hardworking and ‘Real American’ conservative bloggers have uncovered another scheme for us. They do the work so we may prepare for the day. What day? I don’t know. But prepare. Prepare for what? I don’t know. But just be ready!

And this one too is another secret symbol to Muslims. First look at this symbol for the Missile Defense Agency:
mdaoldlogo 1VGkd 19672

It looks just like an American symbol should look like. It features all the colors of this great nation’s flag: red, blue and white and even a sliver of white American pureness protecting God’s green Earth. And it features a long rocket shooting up and then exploding in a burst of – I guess the word is – organismic patriotism. It is so awesome. Nothing is more American than this. All well and good, right? NO. If you’re Barack Hussein Obama.

But for Obama that is the problem – the Americanism. He hates America and anything American. And can’t stand the patriotism enshrined in this logo. That is why he commissioned a redesign of the agency logo which was born under none other than the BFD and greatest president ever Ronald Reagan. So Obama is killing two birds with one stone in this redesign: first he creates a new hidden symbol as part of his takeover plan and then he gets to undermine the legacy and image of a true and real president and lover of freedom (and great actor!) Reagan.

This is a Bolshevik tactic. To destroy all relics and images and symbols of the past regime as part of the effort to make people forget the past and create a new order and convince people of this order in their propaganda.

Here’s Obama’s new Missile Defense Agency logo:
ibn hqqe8 hQqe8 19672
Um… Looks oddly similar to the Obama presidential campaign logo:
ibn 6yedc 6yeDC 19672
And what did the Obama presidential campaign stand for?: O’ nothing just CHANGE of America into a socialist nation led by a secret Muslim.

And now he is stamping this symbol on the military. There you have it.

This nation is ruined at this rate.

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