Pair ice-cream with fruit for quick desserts

pineapple ice cream

Unexpected guests and quick desserts are complimentary to each other. An article takes up one aspect of pairing seasonal, canned and candied fruits with ice cream and elaborates wonderful peach melba and breezy burrito banana fosters.

peach melba

Though the article is restricted to peach, banana, cherries and vanilla ice cream, yet unending creativity can give you scope to rollout mout-watering desserts with fruits and ice-cream. The tips are as follows:

fruit sauce and ice cream

1. Pureed seasonal fruits on a bed of ice-cream topped flan.

peach cream2

2. Instead of pairing peach with ice cream, it is even delectable to serve homemade peach cream on a banana split.

banana consomme

3. Chocolate ice cream on banana consomme is simply seductive.

all grilled ice cream

4. Grilled Guavas and Grilled Bananas taste exotic with vanilla ice cream.

spring roll

5. Fruit-filled spring roll strawberry sauce and vanilla ice cream simply melts into the mouth.

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