Paris Hilton Looses Her Old BFF

paris and brittney

Paris Hilton is all set for her next show, My New BFF in Dubai, but the winner from her last season and supposedly Hilton’s best friend has got every bad thing to say about the star. Brittany Flickinger battled her way through the first season of the competitive reality TV show to become Paris Hilton???s New BFF which she now feels was her life’s worst decision. She is regretting it now as she says that she was discarded as a old shoe by Paris earlier this year.

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Well all this hatred supposedly came when Brittany chose to bash the star on the BlogTalkRadio show by saying:

I???m really sick of getting branded with a bad reputation for hanging out with her and sticking up for such a disgusting, self-centered user. I???m a good person??? I have morals. I don???t have to do anything disgusting or rash to get famous. She???d tell me things that made me think I was her best friend. And we got really close. And I???m like, Oh, man, this is really nice, then all of a sudden it was like, ???Casting for BFF 2! Better end this now. Bye. I don???t need you anymore. That???s disgusting to do to somebody??? That???s defamation of character.

Well, Brittany, its all your fault baby, you should have known that best friends are not found on the reality shows and on a PARIS HILTON show, one should not even think of it. But, good you learnt, change your preferences and try finding friends on Facebook or MySpace rather than these stupid TV shows.

Image: Makeupbag, Zimbio

Via: Pinkisthenewblog

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