Pete’s another shameless act unleashed

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Kate Moss’s on/off boyfriend Pete Doherty’s is stuck into another drug scandal now. Latest shocking pictures of the Babyshambles singer shows him injecting heroin into an unconscious female fan as she lay in his filthy kitchen.

Other picture features him injecting drugs in his own tattooed arm. These pictures were captured by one of his friend within past five weeks. The girl in the picture belongs to a middle class family, who adores Pete and visits his house quite frequently. Supermodel Kate Moss has declined being present there while the pictures were taken.

Pete will have to face investigation again, cops declared lately. This is such a shameful act, he seems determined to die because of this addiction but why he wants others to face the same trauma.

Pete Doherty was put on 18 months rehabilitation order and was banned from driving after he admitted seven charges of illegal drugs possession. He is tested for drugs every month but has failed twice. I hope he won’t be forgiven this time. I would love to see him behind the bars for this disgraceful action.

Via The Sun

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