Recurring E coli contamination slackens market for organic produce

lettuce 23 7

Following the reports suspecting contamination of lettuce with E coli bacteria, bagged lettuce under the Foxy brand, packaged as ‘Green Leaf 24 Count, waxed carton,’ and ‘Green Leaf 18 Count, cellophane sleeve, returnable carton, is reported to be recalled by the Salinas-based Nunes Company Inc.

Facts have pointed out earlier that the contamination of lettuce might have been due to the E coli strains that were previously sourced from water-borne outbreak in Walkerton, Ont., in May 2000. Therefore this is just another case of contamination of organic vegetables after spinach that calls for some safety as far as water is concerned, apart from using the organic stuff.

At the outset when most of the consumers are dependant on organic foodstuff, water-borne contamination to raw vegetables can pose a serious threat to the vegetable market. Spinach growers are already facing huge losses due to E coli bacteria, if the bacterial sources continue to spread to other vegetables, it might bring severe opposition from both vegetable and meat eaters.

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