How to make salmon patties


Salmon is a fresh water fish and found only in few locations all around the world. It is rich in carbohydrates, lipids and proteins. Mostly, people prefer salmon patties because it is easy to make them. When the hunger strikes and have no time to make a dish, then this quick and easy dish comes handy and fills the stomach completely. Salmon patty is a simple dish prepared from salmon fish in a hamburger form. It consumes little time in making. These salmon patties can be grilled, broiled or steamed depends upon the choice of an individual. People who are suffering from heart aliments are advised to take salmon frequently as it helps in reduction of cholesterol from the blood. To make this dish is easy and will consume less than half an hour. Go through the guide and enjoy the delectable salmon patties.

Complexity Level: basic

Time required: 25 minutes

Resources required: 2 small salmon cans, one onion, ground black pepper, crackers or bread and egg.


1. Salmon canes and ingredients: To make salmon patties, you have to open the new fresh two small salmon cans in a large bowl. Pour the required amount of ingredients in the bowl like chopped onions, two eggs and ground black pepper. Now mix the ingredients thoroughly in the large bowl so that every component mixes well. And, place the bowl in the freezer for few minutes so that patties taste well.

2. Mix the binder: The next step in making the salmon patties is to mix the binder to the mixture to provide stickiness to the solution. It offers stickiness so that mixture couldn’t slide or remain loose. The binder is one of the main component used in making the salmon patties. While there are other things that can also be used as binder in making salmon patties. Such as cereals, bread or crackers. Mostly, people prefer to use crackers in making of salmon patties possibly to have tasty patties.

3. Place the salmon patties in oven: Place the salmon patties in the oven until the color of patties changes to brown color. The brown color indicates that the patties are ready to serve and eat. However if patties haven’t cooked well inside then place the patties again in the oven and wait till the patties get cooked well inside, outside. Savor the moments of eating and serving it to families members.

Frequently asked questions:

What can I use in place of crackers in salmon patties?

In salmon patties crackers are commonly used as a binder but there are many dry components that can be used as equal substitutes like bread-based binders, cereal substitutes and binding with meals. The bread-based binders come in packs and hold the salmon patty well. Some of the breadcrumbs come along with herbs besides the plain one is used commonly because it lets you to control the taste of salmon patty. The other bread-based binders that you can use are Melba toast or bread stuffing cubes. The cereal substitutes are crushed cornflakes or uncooked oat meal. These are good alternative for crackers in salmon patties. But the tastes will be little different using cereal substitutes. The other substitute that you can possibly use is matzo meal, corn meal or corn grits. These acts as good binders but requires to add an egg to keep the ingredients supple because cereal binders are absorbent in nature, makes the patty taste dry.

Quick tips:

If calories are not a concern for you then fry the patty on olive oil to make it crisper and crunchy.
Things to watch out for:

For health conscious persons, it is advised to eat light salmon patty.

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