Saudi Prince Caught with Cocaine

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An unidentified Saudi prince was recently stopped at the Beirut International airport after it was discovered he was carrying cocaine.

The prince is believed to be the son of Prince Nayif, Second Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of Interior of Saudi Arabia and also third in line to the throne.

After being detained, the prince was quietly sent back to Saudi Arabia. Of course, given the influence of Saudi oil money; a Saudi prince is not doing to be disciplined. Neither in the U.S. nor in Lebanon. Especially not in Lebanon where Saudi money practically bought the last election and installed the House of Saud clients of March 14.

And, of course, his behavior is indicative of many decadent Saudi princes who feign public piety but are really drug addicts and frequenters of European brothels.

On a separate note, his father was recently the victim of a terrorist bomber who sought to kill him by concealing a bomb in his anus. It attack failed. But the details of the attack revealed an intimacy between the bomber and the prince. That the bomber was allowed to meet the prince before despite his affiliations and that the bomber was somewhat of a mole who then used the opening his relationship offered to attempt to assassinate Prince Nayif.

So the son is a cocaine addict while the dad hangs out with terrorist. Of course, this is all censored in the Saudi media.

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