Say cheers to cholesterol reducing milk!

Everybody enjoys a milk shake but most of us avoid milk as it is loaded with fat and calories and we don’t want to add more inches to already bulging waistlines. But these days you have skim milk and fat-free milk to cater to the needs of health freaks.

Now, here’s some more good news to say cheers to your favorite beverage as you can now enjoy milk that is not only fat free but is also known to reduce cholesterol from Kroger.

milk 2112

This new milk product contains CoroWise plant sterols, an all-natural ingredient sourced from plants and found naturally in foods such as vegetables, seeds and nuts. Plant sterols are known to have cholesterol lowering attributes and also known to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. Clinical studies have demonstrated that plant sterols can reduce cholesterol levels up to 15 percent.

For people with borderline-high blood cholesterol levels, this can potentially help them get to the normal range and potentially avoid medication and for others, it is one way to help shave off points for better heart health – and we know every point counts.

says Linda Severin of Kroger.

The company says that you must consume two 8 ounce servings of this milk to get the maximum benefit and you may see the results within 3 weeks of incorporating it in your diet. While the taste and price is not any different from the ordinary milk, it is enriched with more vitamins, so you only stand to gain from this.

Say cheers and enjoy your favorite beverage without feeling guilty!



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