Sienna Miller lost her virginity in teens

sienna miller lost her virginity in teens 14

Sienna Miller claims that she lost her virginity to her boyfriend at the mere of 16.

The 25-year-old, ‘Factory Girl’ actress tells that her first sexual encounter happened in her own bedroom, because her mother insisted that she experimented with her boyfriend under her roof.

Sienna was quoted saying,

I had my first serious boyfriend when I was 16 and my mother made sure I brought him home. She didn’t want me doing it outside and would say, ‘I’d rather you did it in my house if you’re going to do it at all. It was a very open household but I only brought home guys I really liked. My mother was very warm and accepting of anything we got into as children.

Miller recently revealed that she tried to make the steamy, sex scenes with her ‘Factory Girl’ co-star Hayden Christensen as realistic as possible.

She explained,

I believe that there’s nothing worse than seeing a sex scene where someone’s got a T-shirt on because it’s unrealistic. So I think that if you’re going to do it, do it. I watched it thinking, ‘Oh my God, my dad’s going to see it!’ But it was relevant to the story in that it’s a movie about the 1960s, and sex, drugs and rock and roll were a big part of that.

The sex scenes are so explicit that there were rumors that the actors did some real romping. However, Sienna has blatantly denied the allegations.

Whether good or bad, I guess Sienna’s mom Jo Miller is one of the very few mothers who are that liberal about sexual issues.

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