Snacking the Google way

google snack rooms
Google’s Snack room is as wide as the search engine itself and it can feed more than just the Googlers. In Google’s snack room you will find a storehouse of whole foods, candies, M&Ms, toffee, licorice, cashew nuts, yogurt, carrots, fresh fruit and beverages like fruit juice, soda and instant cappuccino pouches.

If the snack room in this pic is myopic to you, you can see what Brett Lider has eaten at Google’s catering services until now. You will find expensive food trays to the simple ones, from light lunch to gourmet dinners, Google has it all. The baked pies, green crunchy salad, breakfasts, appetizers and lots more to assure you that the Google has more to making the internet available at your finger tips…it is great deal of food available for Googlers to gobble up.

Via ValleyWag

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