Spaghetti in Hot and Tangy Beet Sauce

pasta and spaghetp

Beets have caught-up the trend this summer, by the grace of the local market, where they continues to appear. Beets have a prominent sweet flavor that restricts their usage in many dishes. However, when some heat and tang is added to them you can actually get the unbelievable out of them. The recipe is as follows:


Two Cups Shredded Beets
Jalapeno Pepper Paste
Half Cup Smoked Salmon Flakes
Chicken Stock
Cornflour Paste
Chopped Beans
Crushed Garlic
Grated Parmesan Cheese
2 tablespoon Lemon Juice
Olive Oil
Chopped Basil
Cilantro leaves
Fried Shrimps


1. Prepare beet sauce by frying crushed garlic and beets in oil for some time. To it add smoked salmon and fry for some more time.

2. Follow-it up by the addition jalapeno pepper paste and cheese. Keep stirring it until a uniform consistency is formed.

3. Add beans, herbs, salt, chicken stock and cornflour paste. Cook on a slow flame and once it is thick. Put off the flame and add lemon juice.

4. Prepare spaghetti by boiling it in water, salt and oil.

5. Once done drain spaghetti from hot water and place it under cold running water.

6. Pour the beet-sauce over spaghetti and mix it thoroughly. Garnish it with fried shrimps and serve it for dinner.

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