Superficiality reigns Supreme for Kim Kardashian

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Celebrity stylist and apparel retailer Kim Kardashian is once again a target for gossip columnists and this time, it’s for her not-so-natural looks. The television personality allegedly kept her fans waiting for a couple of hours at the Monte Carlo Television Festival. The reason – her stylist had evidently forgotten to deck up Kim’s eyes with matching fake eyelashes. That sent Kim into fits and she refused to leave her dressing room. It was only when the stylist spotted the particular set of eyelashes and came to her rescue, that Kim agreed to come out in the spotlight to meet her fans. Apart from artificial lashes, Kim’s committed team of upholstery experts also managed to give that perfect shape to the celeb’s butts. Apparently, for Kim, superficiality reigns supreme, though, one must agree that in the make-believe world of glamour, that’s nothing new.

Via: The Superficial

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