Tax Evasion puts Wesley Snipes Behind the Bars

wesley snipes convicted for tax evasion 59

Never mess around with Law is what they say for a long-long time but these celebrities think otherwise and for the very same reason, bear the consequences. Pete Doherty took it as a joke and is bearing the consequences and just if anyone out there in Hollywood wanted a sterner example, Wesley Snipes three-year sentence should now bring some sanity to the cause.

He kept playing with it by evading taxes and was ultimately charged with ???brazen defiance??? of the US taxman for all those attempts of evading taxes. The punishment had been in the beckoning for a long time considering that he had evaded taxes for eleven long years. While Snipes didn???t have a major reaction complaining against the sentence, his lawyer seemed furious over the decree as he mentioned:

Mr Snipes was sentenced because he???s Mr Snipes

On the contrary the prosecuting attorney had an entirely different verdict stating:

For nearly a decade, Snipes has engaged in a campaign of criminal tax conduct combining brazen defiance with insidious concealment. In the defendant Wesley Snipes, the court is presented with a wealthy, famous and inveterate tax scofflaw. If ever a tax offender was deserving of being held accountable to the maximum extent for his criminal wrongdoing, Snipes is that defendant.

Must say Snipes own lawyer got it right by mentioning that he got punished for what he is. Snipes wasn???t sentenced immediately but would have to surrender to custody at a later date. Finally, we have an example set for those cool celebs who think that the world is at their feet and even law cannot harm them.

Source: TimesOnline

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