Tea Cola’ to hit the beverage industry with a ‘healthy’ hand

tea colaThe Coffee cola makers Coca-Cola and Pepsi have got another rival and a tough one at that. The Indian makers of tea in the Tocklai Tea Experimentation station at Assam have concocted a new Tea cola, after three years of experimentation, which the formulators say contains health benefits. The Tea Cola’ is made from the black and green tea, extracted from the tea leaves of Assam and is expected to hit the market within five months from now.

The Tea cola has chemical components that contain anti-oxidant properties that would combat with high-level of stress. The chemical component, presumably astringent, makes the Tea Cola better than its Chinese and Japanese versions.

Tea Cola will not only prove to be healthy drink unlike the coffee cola but also give a boost to the sinking tea industry in Assam. This Tea Cola will not only attract the young mass, like the coffee colas but will cater to the health needs of the senior citizens. Though the tea has not yet got a patent, the tea is been made available to the health conscious people.

The anti-oxidant quality will not only cure one from stress, it will aid in the cure of multiple diseases. Apart from that this soft drink is made up of natural tea, with permissible sweeteners and additives. The chewable tea pill and tea cake is next in the row. Now we can look forward to healthy soft drinks and an entire range of tea formulations in the grocery stores and food chains.
Read More:Asian Pacific

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