Tea to T-Toffee and T-Goodies


If it has all been in the beans of coffee to roll out chocolates, then I should say that nobody thought of what tea leaves could do? The Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology has come up with tea toffee, tea biscuits, tea ice-creams and tea wine made from the Kangra tea concentrate. The tea concentrates preserves the medicinal value and flavors of tea, even when it is infused in other food items.

The Indian tea makers are all set to make a revolution in the beverage industry as the tea toffee and tea biscuits are another version of Tea-Cola. Similar to the attributes of Tea-Cola, these tea goodies concentrate on the health aspects. The tea products have anti oxidants, which not only act as anti-ageing agents, but also reduce stress. The only difference between tea-cola and the tea goodies is that the latter is decaffeinated for making it more health-centered.

The institute is going to negotiate with the Himachal Pradesh Cooperative Marketing Federation to sell cold tea. The tea wine is yet another unique formulation where the wine is made in the traditional way, but the anti-oxidants are secured. This desi-wine is currently rocking amidst the Indian soldiers and hence been named as “Sepoy Kargil”. Why only India it is sure to create a fizz in the taste buds of International Forces…it has elements to keep the forces going.

The Institute of Himalayan Bioresource is a step ahead in the formulations of the Tea-cola makers as they are planning to infuse the tea concentrate into confectionary and pharmaceutical products. PS Ahuja, director of the institute also plans to extend tea’s anti-oxidant chemical in the manufacture of cosmetic products.

The tea industry in India is all set to dispel the myths related to health and is expanding its horizons to reach off-beat products. It is good to see that edible beverages are also used to make products in the consumer-durable domain.
T-Toffee: DNA

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