Top antioxidants: Beans at top, with berries to follow…

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Antioxidant rich foods are in a real hip now and not for anything! The trend has taken over the food industry because of its proven benefits paralleled by consumer demands. Weight-loss-advisor gives guidelines to the consumer, concerning antioxidant rich foods. It lists out

Top ten antioxidant rich foods with follow-up antioxidant rich nutrients for those who would like to have an antioxidant rich diet. The Top ten-antioxidant rich foods are as follows:

1. Small red beans – Latest research has proved that the poster-focus of antioxidant rich food blueberries are lower in antioxidant content in comparison to the humble bean. This unexpected food has topped charts with its family members to follow in the third and fourth positions.

2. Wild blueberries – The deep blue-purple pigment acts as a powerful phytonutreint, which offer antioxidant benefits to the consumer. There are facts, which point out that one-half cup of wild blueberries gives antioxidant strength as five serving of other fruits and vegetables. Apart from being an antioxidant stimulant, it treats urinary tract infection.

3. Red Kidney beans – Source say that this plant nutrient has the capacity of delivering 13727 antioxidants in half-cup consumption in comparison to 13,427 antioxidants in a whole cup of wild blueberry.

4. Pinto bean – This bean goes as the main ingredient in the hummus bowl of Mediterranean Cuisine and is reported to be rich in flavonoids.

5. Cultivated Blueberries – This blueberry contains the pigment anthocyanin, which is eaten to reduce the process of aging.

6. Cranberries – Fresh cranberries are fully loaded with phytochemicals, which protects you against more serious, like cardiovascular diseases and cancer risks.

7. Artichokes – Artichokes among the veggies is considered richest in antioxidants.

8. Blackberries – These berries are also rich in anthocyanin pigment, which research claims is beneficial or treating diabetes, ulcers, viral and microbial diseases.

9. Prunes – The antioxidants in prunes makes it effective against brain dysfunction like Parkinson and Alzheimer’s, and against cancer.

10. Raspberries – They not only taste good but are also packed ellagitannins, an antioxidant compound, which inhibits the growth of cancer cells in the body depending upon the concentration of which it is taken.

Via: Weight-loss advisor

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