Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Taliban cult protests at the UN…

September’s UN opening session seems to be the month that all the “crazies” crawl out from under their rocks—

Mahmoud Achmedinejad claims to be the world’s champion of democracy…

Muammar Ghaddafi proposes to abolish Switzerland… and:

Satmar Hasidim rally at UN over Israel’s ‘cruelty’ toward ultra-Orthodox

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Members of the anti-Zionist Satmar Hassidic ultra-Orthodox c

ommunity rallied outside the United Nations building in New York on Tuesday to protest against Israel’s ‘cruelty’ toward ultra-Orthodox Jews.

Satmar Rabbi Nahum Samson Meyer, who spoke at the demonstration, said it was being held outside the UN because the global body “has always taken up the cause of oppressed peoples around the world.

“We have come here to publicize the cry of our religious brethren who live under Zionist state oppression,” he said, referring to the running over of two ultra-Orthodox men by police cars in August during demonstrations against the Shabbat opening of a Jerusalem parking lot, and to the arrest of an ultra-Orthodox woman who allegedly starved her three-year-old son.

Meyer added that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is in New York for a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly, had “no right to speak in the name of Jewry.

“As Netanyahu tells the world his views on the Middle East crisis, we wish to make clear that his state, which presumptuously calls itself Israel, has no connection with the Torah or with Judaism,” he said.

“We call upon President Obama and all the esteemed leaders of the world not to recognize the Zionists as leaders of the Jewish people.”

= = =
Nor do the Satmar “represent the Jewish people”.

Rabbi Meyer’s distortion of facts is almost funny—the two ultra-Orthodox gentlemen who were “run over by police cars” actually jumped in front of them to block their way to a demonstration that had become violent—and this was shown on the evening news in Israel the same day. The saddest part of this whole issue is that the parking lot in question is not open for business on Saturday, but is left open as a free parking lot—which is not a desecration of the Sabbath (but conducting a violent demonstration during the Sabbath IS a desecration) according to their own rules.

If it’s oppression to separate a mother who has been deliberately starving one of her children from her children and indict her for child abuse, then the Israeli government is “oppressing” this member of the ultra-Orthodox “Toldot Aharon” cult. The demonstrations against this also turned violent. (I’m sure this never made the news outside Israel, so a bit of background—the mother brought her three-year-old son to the Hadassah Ein Kerem hospital ER weighing 7 kilos (about 16 pounds). After surgery to introduce a feeding tube directly into the child’s stomach, the boy was moved to the pediatric ICU. Two days later, when the boy was beginning to gain weight, security cameras in the ICU recorded the mother removing the feeding tube and mopping up the spill.

The hospital called the authorities. The mother was separated from her child and now suspected of “Munchausen by proxy syndrome”. Eventually, after an investigation, she was arrested. Then the protests” began…

These protests were reminiscent of scenes from a couple of years ago, when a 19-year-old ultra-Orthodox father in Jerusalem shook his three-month old son to death for crying while the father was studying Torah (you guessed it—another ultra-Orthodox cult member). This father was tried for reckless manslaughter and convicted. He’s presently serving his sentence, after his appeal was denied.

In both cases, members of most of the ultra-Orthodox cults took to the Jerusalem streets protesting, burning dumpsters, billboards and bus stop shelters, confronting police and hurling garbage at them. Their protests were not, as you might think, based on protesting against miscarriages of justice or wrongful accusations… but on the claim that the secular authorities had no jurisdiction over them and no right to interfere in their private lives. In other words, these folks believe (among other things) that it’s all right to abuse your children and even kill them, as long as it’s done according to Halakha (Judaic Law).

It’s interesting to note that these ultra-Orthodox cults accept the secular authority and laws of the US and UK (where most of them live), but refuse to accept the secular authority of Israel’s government and laws. This refusal includes non-payment of taxes and rejection of state laws and jurisdiction, but they do not reject taking advantage of healthcare and other public services. Perhaps it’s because they know that if they tried the same crap in either the US or UK, the local police would have no compunction in arresting them and “busting heads”…

All of these “ultra-Orthodox” cults together (Satmar, Neturei Karta, Toldot Aharon, Hasidei Gur, etc.) total less than 100,000 people worldwide—can they speak for a world Jewry of around 16 million? They think they do—and many “anti-Zionists” would have the public believe the cult claims that they are “the only true Jews” (although just listing the ways that they violate the concepts of Judaism would take several hours).

These are the same cults that participated in the Iranian Holocaust denial conference a couple of years ago in a blaze of publicity… they have to deny the Holocaust—because if it was not some kind of “punishment from God” for becoming “distant from the true Judaism”, then they have to admit that many of their basic concepts are wrong. Of course, this “distancing” excuse might explain why secular Jews in Europe died in the Holocaust, but it doesn’t explain why one-and-a-quarter million children and more than a million truly Orthodox Jews were murdered by the Nazis and their collaborators (assuming that you believe that God controls and causes everything).

These people are a Jewish Taliban—and this is what the Israel detractors would like to convince you are the “real Jews” of the world—while telling you in the same breath that the Muslim Taliban doesn’t represent Islam. Neither of these fanatic cults represents the religion they purport to belong to.

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