Anyone who is planning to either build a new home or to increase the size of their investment portfolio by acquiring property in Australia, will want to understand how town planning works. The rules and regulations which exist can affect a multitude of factors involved in a construction project. Things like lot costs and zoning limitations will be affected by local town planning regulations.
As you might expect, reading about town planning regulations isn’t particularly exciting, but it is essential for anyone who is hoping to invest in property in Australia. In this article, we have tried to take some of the sting out of understanding this legislation, the principle piece being the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999. This piece of legislation has an influence on town planning decisions taken across the nation.
However, each state also has their own set of local town planning procedures and laws. Consulting with experienced organisations such as DTS who have planned a number of towns in Brisbane and have extensive experience may be a good idea.
Sustainability is an important factor in any modern town planning, and is aimed at improving energy usage, the rate and volume of transport emissions, population growth, events, and weather conditions. Building codes in many localities will have stipulations regarding sustainability and environmental considerations.
Water-Sensitive Urban Designs
Commonly known as WSUD, it’s a framework for ensuring that water management is done responsibly, in a way that preserves local water systems and ecosystems. In pursuit of this, town planning requirements contain stipulations regarding filtration systems, pollutant removal, and protecting the quality of drinking water.
Urban Renewal
Urban renewal initiatives are designed to rejuvenate cities and towns across Australia. Areas of Australian cities which have previously been regarded as disadvantaged have been transformed under a number of different initiatives so that they now offer opportunities for career and personal development.
Climate Change
Climate change is very much the issue of our times. No longer is climate change just an abstract threat, the dangers are now becoming manifest and they pose a threat to wildlife, ecosystems, and human populations across the world. Australia is more prone than many other countries to extreme weather events. Some speculations state that Australian cities could soon be seeing summer heats in excess of 40 C.
Heritage and Conservation
Aside from ensuring the eco quotient of new town developments, Australian town planning also ensures that these developments respect local heritage and culture. Developers are required to consider preservation of heritage and culture from the earliest stages of their project.
If you are planning to invest in any kind of property projects in Australia then you need to make sure that you understand what the relevant town planning regulations are and how you can stick to them.
Article Submitted By Community Writer