Virgin Mary found in Chocolate Company

virgin maryKitchen worker Cruz Jacinto at Angiano’s gourmet chocolate company, Bodega Chocolates in Fountain Valley, California, on Aug 17, 2006 is reported to have discovered a 2-inch-tall column of solid chocolate, which Cruz claims, bears a striking resemblance to the figure of Virgin Mary. The historically figured 2000-year-old chocolate carving depicting Virgin Mary has apparently renewed the lost faith of Cruz and added feathers to the already star-studded reputation of Angiano chocolate company.

What needs to be questioned is the most obvious clash between reasoning and faith. Taking into account, the personal problems through which Cruz was passing when she found the chocolate column, the discovery can be viewed as an infatuation that has been fed by the endorsements of the Company, devotees of Virgin Mary and of course, the fame that it has brought to the company.

Any female figure with the asserted description of a broad base and petered out top, cannot give enough reason even to consider it as Virgin Mary. However, what can add to the benefit of the consumers is either an auction of the 2-inch-tall chocolate shrine or placing it in a food museum as a piece of chocolate art.

Source: FT Times

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