What one person believes is freedom in another person’s mind is slavery

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There exist many kinds of freedom that is because like many other terms, freedom is an ambiguous word which means it can and often is defined by each of us as we so choose to define it. What one person believes is freedom in another person’s mind is slavery.

Many people who live in the freest country in the world think themselves slaves to the same government that rules over them. Conversely, many people who live in the worse dictatorial country in the world believe that they are freer there than they possibly could be in any other country in the world.

Much of the difficulty in determining whether you are more free than another person is basically caused by simple ignorance. This ignorance comes from not having the wherewithal to stay for a few years in another country. Most people have never lived in any other country than the country they were raised. Most people have no knowledge of how life for them in another country might be better for them. Assumptions are made without this very essential sound knowledge by self experience.

Since one cannot easily change their situation so as to give themselves the wherewithal to live in another country under another form of government for a few years, we must try to educate ourselves sufficiently to make our reasoning of freedom more logical. We must determine whether it is more reasonable to assume that we would rather live under any government controlled solely by one person or a few people or by all of the people.

We must consider whether or not we want the right to make our opinions and our wishes known without government reprisals. Do we want to live in any country where gun toting police are visible on every street corner? Do we want to live in any country where our every movement about our own country must go through police check points? Do we want to live in any country that determines for us where our children must go to school or what job they may have or what religion they must grow up under? Do we want to have a say in how we are to be governed?

All freedom comes with much sacrifice and hard work and determination. Freedom does not give any person the right to do as he or she pleases, that would be chaos and anarchy. But, civilized freedom gives every person their just right in the actual functioning and governing of their own lives. Yes, your one vote may not count for so very much in it self, but take it from the history books “no vote” is the worst condition of all!

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