Worst non-veg element in vegetarian foods

gelatin jellyVegetarians swing in the delight of virgin foods without analyzing about the lurking ingredients in their go-veggie diets. To make the veggie readers a bit more open to the worst non-vegetarian element in their so-called vegetative diets an article points out about the animal product gelatin.

Gelatin is extracted from the hides, bones or skin of pigs and cows. What might bother vegetarians is the usage of gelatin in yogurts, cheese, jellies, ice cream, pop tart, marshmallows, cakes and cake frostings. Commonly termed as Jell-O it is used as a thickener, texture enhancer and stabilizer.

The vegan substitute for gelatin is reported to be agar. So next time when you want to lick into an ice cream, you better be sure that the label has agar. Though Whole Foods Stores are a best place to hunt for a vegan ice cream, yet you can find it in other health stores. It is very difficult to go puritan in this age but as far as food industry is concerned you can relax with an array of food supplements and alternatives.

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