You Can Now Kiss Me From Anywhere in the World

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Please turn on the computer and kiss me.

The lips just got an extension.

Yes, scientists at Kajimoto Laboratories at the University of Electro-Communications in Tokyo have solved mankind’s greatest problem – how to kiss someone who is thousands of miles away.

No more buying airplane ticket to fly half-the world away just to kiss someone. You can now kiss anyone you want right from the comfort of your bedroom using the kiss box.

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This device gives you the same sensation of a real kiss. It comes by way of a straw connected to the box through the internet. They should as well call it a straw kiss.

It captures the taste of the person’s mouth, manner of breathe and even the moistness of the tongue.

Sadly, it does not eliminate bad breathe.

What comes next? Second base box.

Who said the 20th century was better?

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