5 Home Cleaning Tips for a Healthy Household

Home Cleaning Tips for a Healthy Household

Maintaining a healthy household means to keep your environment clean, but cleaning chores can be a drag – there’s so much to do, and you only have limited time and energy to do them! Besides, the majority of us don’t care for cleaning tasks, but we do enjoy a nice, clean environment we can be comfortable in.

In this article, we’ll be presenting five different cleaning tips for you to maintain a healthy environment at home without the hassle and the elbow grease! Follow our five tips, and you can get your chores done in a snap of a finger.

1.  Avail of Ad Hoc, or One-time Cleaning Services

Ad hoc cleaning services, also known as one-time cleaning services, can help you maintain a healthy household. What happens in ad hoc cleaning is that you typically contact a cleaning company, and avail of a professional cleaning service that is only done once each week, or only when you need them.

Ad hoc cleaning is convenient for those days where your schedule is just too busy, but you otherwise have time to clean your home. One-time cleaning services don’t require any subscription for a daily cleaning schedule, but instead are there to offer clients an option to have their homes cleaned professionally for special occasions, or when the chores are too much.

As a result, you only pay for the one-time cleaning service instead of shelling out for multiple home cleaning sessions. This service is perfect for those of us who have occasional schedules where we don’t have the time nor the energy to clean you home for the day.

2.  Make General Cleaning Automated with a Smart Vacuum

Smart vacuums are great for those everyday messes, particularly if you live in a home that has a small floor area. A smart vacuum cleaner with a dock can make cleaning even more convenient as the robot vacuum will self-charge, ready for another round of cleaning later on.

You can schedule your vacuum to go off during times when there’s not a lot of people in the room so the device can clean up unhindered. However, robot vacuum cleaners aren’t deep cleaning tools, so you may still need to upkeep your home manually from time to time. Robot vacuum cleaners aren’t replacements for full, top to bottom home cleaning.

3.  Make your Own Cleaning Products

Harsh commercial cleaning products can contain toxic chemicals that can burn your skin and the lining of your lungs when inhaled. While these commercial products are effective at killing germs, they can be corrosive, and even products labeled as all-natural may give off harmful fumes when in use.

Making your own cleaning products lets you know exactly what is in your cleaning supplies, and most of these homemade cleaning solutions can actually get the job done as well as commercial products do! Vinegar and baking soda makes a great all-around cleaner when mixed together, while 70% rubbing alcohol is a mild sanitizer that kills germs from most areas.

4.  Soak Dishes to Remove the Scum

If you’re into cooking, then you must already know the dread of having to scrape down your beloved pans, pots, and plates because of the food scum that hardened in them. Unfortunately, scraping down the scum leads to scratches in your cookware.

Instead, try soaking your pans in a mixture of baking soda, vinegar, and a bit of dish soap. The baking soda works to lift the food scum out, while the vinegar softens the hardened bits. Dish soap will dissolve any oils and food grease from the cookware. Let the mixture sit, and you’ll be able to wipe your plans clean with just a soft sponge!

5.  Don’t forget to Clean the Roof!

Last but not the least, don’t forget to clean your roof, especially before the rainy season. Fallen leaves, accumulated grime, and bits of debris are the number one causes for flooded roofs, which can spring leaks when not properly cleaned the season prior.

If you can’t get up to the roof on your own, best to call professional roof clearing services to clear out the muck from the roof. All that muck and grime will need to be removed from your gutters in order for these fixtures to function properly, and for you to have a fully-cleaned home – roof and all!

Article Submitted By Community Writer

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