Jodie’s attire of a sexy nurse!

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Jodie Marsh, 28-year-old British glamour model, television personality, may not be intending to glamorize the profession of nurse by attaching sex appeal to it, but she is definitely on an attention-catching spree donning garments revealing her big ‘known’ bosoms perhaps proving her sadomasochistic self.

Amongst a number of television appearances, she was noted on Celebrity Big Brother in January, 2006. Interestingly, she had issues with other house mates who had got bored of her endless chatter boasting of her sexual escapades, with a victim mentality.
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Jodie’s erotic exploration with two men although ended when their respective girlfriends discovered it, she thoroughly enjoyed the experience. However, in her autobiography, she has mentioned about spending five hours in a barn, having sex with four men and a woman.

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Via: hornyoyster

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