Angelina Jolie can make a great politician

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Angelina Jolie is more in news for her philanthropic associations and adopted children than for her movies. These days too, more than “Salt”, people are talking about her endeavor to expose the plight of refugees.

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Moreover, I don???t think it would be a bad choice, as her contributions to social and humane causes are indeed praiseworthy. Seldom does any high profile celebrity goes and spend time with refugees in a faraway country, most prone to terrorists attacks.

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There isn’t a single doubt on her concern for people’s rights, war and justice, as she’s been often seen raising voice against injustice.

Nevertheless, saying that she has got bored of being an actress is rather laughable. It???s a most read statement about her that how much she enjoys acting, and more than actually watching movies, how she likes the whole process of movie making. So, logically, there doesn’t seem any reason for Angelina being on the verge of quitting Hollywood, even if she plans to join politics.

Image: Celebrity-gossip , Farm1.static , Restoring the Pride

Via: Splashnewsonline

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